2009 - The Year of Change

I, like many, spent yesterday glued to the TV watching the inauguration ceremonies from DC. I, like many, had trouble keeping my emotions in check. There were many profound moments throughout the festivities, including the impressive sweeping shots showing the overwhelming mass of humanity in attendance, the president as he walked alone prior to his introduction around 11:30 am EST, the traditional get-out and walk with the people down Pennsylvania Avenue in route to his new home, etc., etc. Save the actual physical act of swearing in, the moment that stood out the most for me, was Aretha's rendition of "My Country 'Tis of Thee." While her hat, by all accounts, was bow-arific and looked like a Christmas present had been perched upon her head, Aretha proved she still had her legendary vocals in the opening seconds of the song. Admittedly, certain sections of the song proved to be out of The Queen of Soul's range, but considering the venue, the timing, and the emotion of the occasion, "My Country 'Tis of Thee" never sounded more beautiful.

To put this performance over the top, one must take into account that Aretha sung the same song at Martin Luther King's funeral.


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