practicing probable unsuccessful bear defense technique: take one

- the hatchet throw. (take time to admire the lefty form)

As a transplanted Delaware native, I did not grow up with the potential for many an encounter with bear. so, in preparation for that day when I do encounter a bear, I have been honing my useless bear defense techniques (all of which do not include actual bear defense techniques like encounter prevention, bear spray, gun...etc). I give you the hatchet throw - useless bear defense technique number one.


June 2, 2009 at 6:37 AM DarkoV said...

Dear Sir,
I can't believe how little I taught you!? I should be nominated for the Paternal Hall of Shame. Don't you remember Blazing Saddles?

Let me quote here on advice given to Sheriff Bart in preparation for his encounter with Mongo.

Don't take your bullets with you. It will only make him angry.Ivan, what are you thinking? Practicing to throw hatchets at bears? They're like Mongo, only not as gentle. You should be taking the Yogi Bear route here and practice throwing picnic baskets. That would be the safer route and on that I should have taught you a long time ago.

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